Last 3D: 3D engine & level editor

Here’s the first version of Last 3D, my new 3D engine & level editor made with Game Maker. At the end of the page you will find the documentation and download links.

It’s a software that I made for experimenting with 3D. Source code is free. If you want to extend it, why not? As long as you follow the licenses that I chose to distribute it.

Last 3D: Project history

Started in 2011, Minecraft inspired, the level editor allowed making maps composed of 90 degrees squared blocks. After I thought of including the heightmaps loading feature (for the uninitiated, heightmaps are black and white images in which luminosity specifies the height), and I made it even more better and optimized, until the current version.


I was able to achieve high performance (60 fps in my rather old notebook) by breaking the map in groups of 10×10=100 blocks and creating a 3D model for every group, then drawing only groups near to the camera.


I leave you with the documentation (available on this website) and download links.

Last 3D: documentation

 Download last3d (level editor, engine, documentation)